I do apologize for being missing in action. The end of the year and beginning of the year have been brutal in terms of family and work demands. The most challenging was a health scare concerning my husband who is now fine. But the most fun have been our 2 new puppies- a yellow lab( Davy) and a black lab ( Rebel). And today I am committing to a new routine. The puppies are now over 40 lbs. and yesterday, trying to walk the 2 of them together was no fun. So the new routine is I walked each of them separately this morning- 20 minutes each. They need it and I do too and I really enjoyed special time with the two different personalities.
I am now more committed than ever to include in my new routine time to help put home-made, healthy meals on the table for dinner. Last night, my husband and I received a "medal of honor." Our oldest daughter, married just last May and working in NYC, texted us the most beautiful picture of her Easter dinner, lamb and roasted brussell sprouts, set on her perfectly selected china and linen placemats. Priceless that she took the time to create such a memorable moment. Cooking co-op and a commitment by my husband and myself to regularly have family meals at home together have helped pass on a life-enhancing routine!