Monday, February 7, 2011

How American Mothers Could Be Superior

Interviews with the "Tiger Mom" continues as we hear her marching orders about how she chooses her children's daily activities. In talking with a business school professor who specializes in behavior decision -making, he said the down-side of this kind of up-bringing is a lack of creativity and innovation. One thing we know about Bill Gates, Billy Jean King, Katie Couric to name a few- the importance of the dinner table and the family meal in their lives. American mothers could be superior if we get back to this basic. Just this week, I spoke with Betsy. She started her first cooking co-op after reading the Richmond Times Dispatch article, "Cook for a night, Eat for a Week" in Feb, 2009. She is still loving the way it orders her and her family's life. She says she wants to "shout it from the rooftops" the benefits of cooking co-op. She shared with her 11th graders that she knew what her dinners would be for the next month. They wanted to see her menus and they too are fascinated with the cooking co-op concept. Food costs are on the rise and in this jobless recovery, families, like our government need to find creative ways to cut costs. the time for this up-rising in the kitchen is NOW!