Monday, September 26, 2011

Family Dinners= Less Risky Behavior in Teens

Just google these words and see how many have picked up on this. ABC News quoted William Doherty, a professor of family social science at the University of Minnesota, "Family meals are the strongest factor that we've come across in any activity that families do...It really tops them all as a predictor and contibutor of a wide range of positive behavior." As a devotee of team cooking through a cooking co-op for 25 years for my husband and 3 children, now 26, 22, and 16- I have the experiences and track record to say this is so true. Plus, for 25 years, I have clipped articles on the importance on dinner for 25 years and the University of Minnesota's studies were cited over 20 years ago in "Bottom Line" documenting the importance for families to regularly eat meals together. The benefits of dinnertime- a time to celebrate the day, time to come together and just be together, less risky behavior, eating less processed food impacts obesity, and less bing-eating and/or purging. All for a fraction of the cost of eating out or ordering pizza. This is why I started this web-site and have been blogging over 100 times. Go back and read my chats with Ginny and start team cooking. Never in history has there been an easier time to cook. You can do it!