Monday, August 24, 2009

Samuel Johnson's Thoughts on Happiness and Choice

Next month marks the 300th birthday of this great moralist, lexicographer and writer.  You will see one of his quotes on my home page of this web site which hit me right between the eyes when I read over 10 years ago his advise on happiness.  He wrote a book, Rasselas, about this subject and it was published in America 9 years before our Declaration of Independence defined the pursuit of happiness.  But duties, not rights, were at the core of Johnson's ethics.  As you prepare to start your cooking duties in September be inspired by Johnson's wisdom from this book- "perseverance and persistent self-persuasion" are key to a quest for happiness and " the pursuit may derive more meaning from the activity than from it's prospects of reaching fruition."(from Thomas Keymer's article on Johnson)  Translation:  The weekly duties I have taken on by choosing to commit to prepare and deliver dinner for my family and 3 others for these past 22 years, has required perseverance and lots of self-persuasion, but the joys of being in my own kitchen, creating one special meal a week for my family and friends has brought me much happiness which I wish for you.  Choose today what you will serve!