Monday, December 14, 2009

The Costs of Not Cooking are Escalating

A friend was shocked- one small, healthier dinner to go= $8.00( this from a "semi-fast-food" restaurant). Count on it- food costs will continue to rise! Why? People in the emerging nations are building roads, bridges and are getting money to buy more food than just 2 bowls of rice a day- more demand- higher costs. Then I read that Richmond may revive the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Center for Community of Caring to curb the costs associated with teen pregnancies. In the 1980's this program helped reduce teen pregnancies at one high school from 12 to 0. What do they help teach? Here's the list: citizenship education, parenting, ethical instruction, moral development, quality of life, and social values. Recent comments from teachers: "Ginny, high school kids today eat sandwiches- I don't think anybody knows how to plan and cook a balanced, hot meal anymore." "My worst students do not eat any meals together with their family- one does not eat and one orders pizza(this from 5th grade teacher)." What about "The Blind Side" wave? Get involved - help our families and schools understand the need and way to reduce financial and social costs now by reviving the family meal!