Monday, December 7, 2009

Remember Pearl Harbor

In our paper today is an article about a WW2 veteran who survived those events. The great thing about having time set aside for dinner is the opportunity to discuss events in history that shaped
our country. The Richmond vet describes 354 planes flying over Pearl Harbor shooting at the men below and dropping bombs. See if everybody at the table knows where Pearl Harbor is and what would they do to seek safety. If parents are interested in history, their children will be interested also. Susan Dosier and Julua Rutland in their Discover Dinnertime cook book discuss how good conversation shapes the future of out country: "It's happended to more than one president. The Kennedy children were expected by their parents to come to the table every night and report on one current event. Teddy Roosevelt grew up listening to lively dinner discussions at his family's mealtime. Those conversations reportedly developed his passions for public affairs." I keep this quote on my wall at work: " I know of no way to know the future but by the past." - Patrick Henry. Give your family a crystal ball to the future by knowing the past.