Monday, August 2, 2010


Had a discussion on communion yesterday and I realized in eating bread and drinking wine at the Lord's Supper, we are bringing into our bodies and souls nurishment. And it is of utmost importance the quality of what and how we bring that nurishment into our bodies and souls. Here are some quotes from Jeffrey Meyers about communion and family meals: "They (children) begin to learn very early what is the meaning and significance of the family meal, and they learn how to behave in accordance with that significance...We congregate around food, not just for nourishment but also for social reasons. Families unite around the table. Friendships are formed and cultivated at meals. Elaborate social rituals develope to set apart common meals and to facilitate fellowship. We live to eat and eating structures are common life. This is how God made us." Cooking co-op brings quality food (less processed food), gives you the structure to cook one night and eat for a week and perhaps we would all learn better behavior!