Monday, August 9, 2010

"The Power of a Gentle Nudge"

This is the title of the lead article in the personal journal section of the Wall Street Journal back in May. A study conducted by Stanford University showed that "... small amounts of social support, ranging from friends who encourage each other by email to occasional meetings with a fitness counselor, can produce large and lasting gains against one of America's biggest health problems- physical inactivity...Even many of the nation's most committed excercisers have trouble doing it on their own..35% to 40% of Americans...prefer to work out in groups. Like alcoholics who can stay sober only with the help of 12 step meetings, these athletes owe their high levels of fitness to running, cyling or swimming clubs." Here in Richmond, many runners and bikers benefit from runs and bike trips organized by various groups. The power of a gentle nudge, by being part of Team Cooking Co-Op, is eating more natural food, as opposed to processed food at a fraction of the cost and enjoying more time around the dinner table with family and friends. Livestrong? How about Cook2livestrong?