Monday, January 3, 2011

Try Adventure in the New Year

A couple of definitions for adventure: A thrilling experience; to run risks. Our family did that over the Christmas break. Our oldest daughter went down-hill skiing for the first time and loved it despite frigid temps. The rest of us went 8 hours away to Georgia to visit a family we had never met. Our daughters are great friends that met at camp and we loved their daughter. So off we go to a family farm to deer hunt, enjoy picnics and all sorts of delicious food, sift through dirt to find Indian pottery, see and learn history and be blessed with wonderful fellowship. The original part of the house dates back to the late 1700's and this farm has been in the family since the 1800's. I have never been deer hunting but I took my camera and a book and climbed up a deer stand for 2 hours and enjoyed the beauty and fresh air. I didn't see a deer but my son did! We took a risk this family might not like us but what a thrilling experience we had enjoying the outdoors, new experiences and especially making new friends. So why not run a risk that your cooking might not always be perfect, but try a cooking co-op adventure, make new friends and have a weekly plan for making dinner more than mealtime.