Monday, May 16, 2011

Good Food As A Natural Antidepressant?

An interesting article in the April issue of Vogue discusses this possibility. "According to proponents of the food-as-antidepressant theory, deficiencies in certain nutrients are responsible for the current epidemic of low mood." Ya think? When you don't take time, at least once a week, to plan and cook a good meal and then sit down and enjoy it with family and/or friends, that is depressing. It's depressing to eat out too often and then add up the total amount you spent- knowing you could have saved a lot of money, calories and sodium in-take by eating at home. So the best approach to boost your mood is a "nutritioncentric approach"- cook yourself and load up on vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, fish, lean meat, poultry, and healthy fats. This week-end I went to a local farmer's stand and loaded up on fresh strawberries picked that morning. No vitamin C deficiency here and my mood is high! Go find a depressed friend, neighbor or co-worker and try cooking co-op, team cooking, for one month and see if you can't change the world!