Monday, November 7, 2011

O Taste And See...

That The Lord is Good. Friday morning, as I was eating my breakfast, I read, "...who have tasted the goodness of the word of God..." Humm. Why not use "...who have felt the goodness?" So what's the difference between feel, felt and taste, tasted? So maybe taste is sharper and more true- hard to mask- than feelings. I looked up in the concordance and found a number of passages using taste , tasted but found 0 passages using feel, felt. And as I pondered this in church yesterday, the words in our last hymn, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing, listen to this:"...Prone to wander- Lord, I feel it- prone to leave the God I love. And so the point is TASTE is a very important sense and FEELINGS can cause us to wonder. You might not FEEL like cooking, but let's cook and excite those taste buds while you have them. A very dear lady and great cook in our church made me realize how I take my taste buds for granted as she described how her food tasted like metal due to the radiation treatments. O taste how see how wonderful your family and friends are as you cook and share dinner with others!