Monday, October 31, 2011

7 Billion and Counting...

Today the world's population surpassed 7 billion. And this month of October saw crude oil increase 17% this month alone and prices of corn and orange juice futures increased 9 and 13%. Experts believe rising food prices are due to people in the emerging economies getting used to having more than one meal a day or having protein on a more regular basis. Rising food prices could be something we all need to factor in our spending. Eating at home is one way to lower our food and energy costs. Instead of driving someplace to eat, then go home- cut the mileage and just drive home and cook. In addition to saving food, energy and calorie costs- food at restaurants very often have high level of sodium in order to make your food taste especially good.
Many believe we should limit our sodium intake to 1500mg/day. Start looking at the labels for the sodium content. Your health is worth it!