Monday, March 12, 2012

Spring Break

Once again, food serves as the WD-40 to get conversation going. My daughter is home for Spring Break this week and my son came home from a week at the beach after his Spring Break. So I made a home-made-from scratch chocolate cake with fluffy 7 minute frosting. So I get my daughter to the table, and as we take a bite of the cake, " mom, did I tell you..." It is amazing what you can find out about your children's lives by listening at the table with good food on the plate. Now earlier, I had chopped up all these veges and made steak stir fry. No matter how hard I try, I can not make as good a sauce as Peking- our local Chinese food restaurant expert. So I have come up with an idea- I plan to call and see what the price would be to just buy their sauce. By the time I buy the oyster sauce and bean paste etc.- it would be worth it. Spend more time cooking and learn more of life's lessons!