Monday, June 22, 2009

Apple, iPhone- Dinner, Cooking Co-Op

Front page, Richmond Times Dispatch June 20th reads,"The smartphone revolution... For Many, iPhone is a life-changer."  If you buy my DVD "If It's Tuesday...It's My Night To Cook" you will understand... for many, cooking co-op/supper swap is a life-changer.  Just like people are enjoying the benefits of the newest version  of Apple's smartphone, Betsy R. is enjoying the "apps" of cooking co-op.  After reading the article-see helpful resources tab- she started a cooking co-op of her own.  For her this new food-delivery revolution is a life-changer.  Since she no longer tries to plan, shop, cook or eat out 7 days /week, she is saving "money hand over fists", coming home from work and actually sitting down to talk with her husband, and laughing as her 7 year old son, who does not talk to girls, shares with a co-op sibling, "Your mommy made my dinner last night."  Technology is meant to enhance our life, not to take it over.  So while buying a new iPhone, buy a new DVD and down-load the GPS app to send you home for a cooking co-op dinner.  The people in your lives matter most and food is the WD-40 that builds and maintains relationships.  How appetizing would a dinner be- just apples?