Thursday, June 4, 2009

Pressure is a Privilege--Part 2

The second chapter of this book by Billie Jean King is "Lessons at the Dinner Table."  She and her brother were seriously involved in sports- tennis and baseball.  (Her brother went on to play 10 years in the major leagues.)  Her father, a firefighter had a difficult schedule.  "It was hard to find us all in one place at the same time --except for dinner... Dinner was a time for us to just sit down and talk, to connect,check in and find out what we were up to, air grievances, laugh, and tell stories.  My parents would talk to us about school, sports, our problems, even things like philosophy.  And they were very big on instilling good values in us from a very early age. The lessons were not earth- shattering, but were- and still are- absolutely essential."  Ms. King ends her chapter with 5 Rules for Life:  From My Dinner Table to Yours.  Be polite.  Show respect to yourself and others.  Listen to and engage your elders.  Give to those less fortunate than yourself.  Show gratitude.  Consider these  lessons from a pro--time spent at the dinner table brings victory to many aspects of our lives.