Monday, November 30, 2009


At least one money manager is looking to invest in companies benefiting from "cocooning"- families spending more time in their homes. That was what was so special about Thanksgiving vacation. My daughter working in NYC made it home Tuesday night - so we sit around the table as she eats her bowl of Brunswick stew and catch up. Then Thursday, stoking up the hearth of the home- the kitchen- as we all pitched in to get our Thanksgiving meal and table setting ready. Afterwards, sitting around the gas fireplace and talking, laughing, then talking long distance to our daughter studying in Scotland. Friday night all of huddled around our 1 working TV(other TV went on the blink Weds. night) watching Bolt- all of us laughing out loud at Rhino- the hampster. Saturday puttering around putting up Christmas decorations then coming back from the Hanover High School football district win to have another bowl of Brunswick stew. Keep Thanksgiving going throughout the year with special dinners created by you or your cooking co-op. Theirs no place like home- enjoy it with family and food!