Monday, May 10, 2010

Rosie the Riveter

What did you enjoy most about Mother's Day? Having your family together and enjoying a good meal you did not have to plan, cook, or clean up? With cooking co-op, you enjoy the same benefits of Mother's Day week after week. How expensive and what type of car would we be driving today without Ford's invention of the assembly line? Cooking co-op is a type of assembly line. WE CAN DO IT! That was on the WWII poster of "Rosie the Riveter." As the American men enlisted, our government appealed to the women to "man" the assembly lines to produce goods vital for victory in the war. Women worked in aircraft assembly plants, operated heavy construction machinery, worked in lumber and steel mills etc. Our troops are fighting a war in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have a war right here to fight...obesity and the need to eat natural foods verses processed foods... and we are fighting for our national health. And as many of us found this week-end, there is so much more to mealtime. Children that eat 4 or more meals/week with their families are better students and less involved in risky behavior. In part because of Norman Rockwell's cover, America fell in love with "Rosie" and the Saturday Evening Post circulation almost doubled. These women, young and old of all races working during WWII, took pride in the fact they were helping to win a war. Yes it takes effort to fix a home-cooked meal but with cooking co-op we are forming an assembly line to win an important battle. As women did in WWII, let's step up to the "plate."