Monday, October 24, 2011

Maybe Orange Could Become the New Pink

The inroads made in breast cancer awareness is amazing. My mother approached heads of companies in North Carolina to have mamograms covered by medical insurance. And Nancy Brinker has made all of us wake up to fight this killer! High school boys at football games wear pink shirts and then this week-end at the UVA game, the cheerleaders had pink pom poms and the players had pink strechy hats on under their helmuts. So maybe orange- representing healthy foods like oranges, carrots, mangos etc. could be the rallying color for waging a war against obesity. We need to wake up and realize what a killer bad eating habits have become. Obesity saps energy and productivity. Band together, even if it is just with one other person, to cook a meal for each other and try healthier cooking in your own home. And with the time savings on the day you receive your meal- try a 30 minute brisk walk and enjoy the changing color in the leaves.