Monday, April 13, 2009

Victory Week!

What an incredible 7 days this has been!  #1) Yesterday we celebrated Easter.  Here are some of the words from the hymns:...the victory of life is won...the song of triumph has begun.  #2) The North Carolina Tarheels Monday night won a 5th NCAA Basketball Championship.  I watched the title game in Chapel Hill and saw the team return to the Dean Dome- one shining moment.  #3) The idea of winning rubbed off and I won 2 important tennis matches this week in tie-breakers i.e. nail-biters.  The difference between winning and losing is focus on one or two aspects of a game.  In tennis,  I have to remind myself to keep my eye on the ball.  Sounds simple but it's easy to be distracted by movement, noise, clouds, sun etc going on all around you.  So here's my coaching tip:  I have found in the last 21 years that cooking co-op has helped me focus and keep my eye on the ball by getting a home-cooked meal on the table for my family.  When I'm focusing on that one activity,  I'm more on the top of my game in all aspects of my life.  Try it one month and you will see many shining moments!